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文章来源:本站原创    发布时间:2018-04-25      【字号:

 受中国科学院地球化学研究所环境地球化学国家重点实验室冯新斌研究员邀请,加拿大曼尼托巴大学(University of Manitoba)王飞越(Feiyue Wang)教授(中国科学院王宽诚率先人才计划卢嘉锡国际团队项目成员)从2018318日开始,对地球化学研究所进行了为期3周的交流访问。访问期间,王飞越教授分别于322日和330日,在环境室三楼学术报告厅作了题为“United Nations Global Mercury Assessment 2018: Recent Advances and Challenges Ahead”“How to write an effective scientific paper ?”的学术报告。报告会由环境室孟博副研究员主持,40余名科研人员和研究生参加了报告会。 

 在第一场报告中,王飞越教授首先介绍了其团队的研究方向及最新研究进展,随后循序渐进的引出了开展全球汞评估的重要性,并回顾了近年来《全球汞评估报告》的相关进程。报告中详细介绍了即将出炉的2018版全球汞评估报告Global Mercury Assessment 2018,带大家一睹为快。报告会现场气氛非常活跃,与会老师和同学与王飞越教授就感兴趣的科学问题进行了广泛而深入的交流。此次交流为开阔科研视野,拓宽研究领域提供了难得的契机。 




王飞越(Feiyue Wang)教授简介: 

 Dr. Feiyue Wang is Professor of Environmental Chemistry and Biogeochemistry at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. He holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Arctic Environmental Chemistry. His research interests include molecular-level interactions of contaminants across environmental interfaces, and global-scale interplay between chemical contamination and climate change. His recent research has focused on mercury biogeochemistry under a changing climate, and on environmental chemistry of the rapidly changing Arctic sea ice environment. Dr. Wang is a member of the United Nations Environment’s Project Coordination Group for the Global Mercury Assessment. He is also Past Chair of the Environment Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada. 
